Dark Matter And $B_s \to μ^+ μ^-$ With Minimal $SO_{10}$ Soft SUSY Breaking

  • 10 April 2003
CMSSM boundary conditions are usually used when calculating cosmological dark matter densities. In this paper we calculate the cosmological density of dark matter in the MSSM using minimal $SO_{10}$ soft SUSY breaking boundary conditions. These boundary conditions incorporate several attractive features: they are consistent with $SO_{10}$ Yukawa unification, they result in a "natural" inverted scalar mass hierarchy and they reduce the dimension 5 operator contribution to the proton decay rate. With regards to dark matter, on the other hand, this is to a large extent an unexplored territory with large squark and slepton masses $m_{16}$, large $A_0$ and small $ \{\mu, M_{1/2} \} $. We find that in most regions of parameter space the cosmological density of dark matter is considerably less than required by the data. However there is a well--defined, narrow region of parameter space which provides the observed relic density of dark matter, as well as a good fit to precision electroweak data, including top, bottom and tau masses, and acceptable bounds on the branching fraction of $B_s \to \mu^+ \mu^-$. We present predictions for Higgs and SUSY spectra, the dark matter detection cross section and the branching ratio ${\rm BR}(B_s\to \mu^+ \mu^-)$ in this region of parameter space.

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