Types of fungi cultured from dermatophytosis of the feet seem to differ considerably in various groups studied. Lewis and Hopper,1 in the third edition of "An Introduction to Medical Mycology," found the following in a group of over 500 patients over a five-year period. On the same page they cite the findings of Hopkins and his co-workers in soldiers as follows: Shapiro and Rothman,2 in an article on treatment of dermatomycosis, cultured 35 outpatients in a Chicago Clinic and 23 Army Air Corps students with these findings: Dolce and Nickerson,3 on the treatment of mycotic infections, listed cultures on 31 cases of tinea pedis as follows: In each of the present cases fungi were found first on direct examination of a portion of suspected skin or nail from the foot. After their presence was determined, culture on Sabouraud's dextrose media of a portion