In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: An individualized approach to ovulation induction

Because of the inherent marked individual responsiveness to ovulatory stimulating agents, a highly individualized approach to ovulation induction for in vitro fertilization has been utilized. The starting time for medication was varied according to the previous mean cycle length. The dose of clomiphene citrate was adjusted to the body weight. The dose and duration of both clomiphene and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) were adjusted as early as treatment day 5 in accordance with the ultrasonic findings. The day of human chroionic gonadotropin (hCG) administration was varied according to a combination of ultrasonic findings and plasma estradiol levels. This approach resulted in a mean retrieval of four oocytes per laparoscopy, 75% of which were mature, a fertilization rate of 78%, and a pregnancy rate of 14% of laparoscopies.