Time-dependent spectrum of resonance fluorescence

Attention is focused on the dynamic evolution of the emission spectrum following abrupt excitation of a near-resonant two-level absorber by a strong laser field. The multiphoton character of the absorption-emission process is evident in the AC Stark splitting of the spectrum, which begins approximately half an atomic lifetime after excitation, if the laser field is strong enough. Analytic expressions for the spectra are given of arbitrary laser field strength, atomic lifetime, laser-atom detuning, and the bandwidth of the spectrometer used to analyse the spectrum. Selected graphs are included to illustrate various time-dependent features of the spectrum. The influence on the transient spectrum of three different states of atomic excitation prior to laser irradiation and the effect on the spectrum of irradiation by a phase-noisy laser are also considered. Comparison of the transient spectra from atoms initially prepared in ' pi /2' and '3 pi /2' states show clearly that phase relationships between the irradiating field and the emitting dipole are important even in fluorescence.