Enzyme hydrolysis of plasma proteins in a CSTR ultrafiltration reactor: Performances and modeling

By investigating the effects of four operating variables—volume (V), Ultrafiltration flux (J), enzyme concentration (E), and substrate concentration (S)—on capacity (K) and conversion rate (ε) of a hollow fiber CSTR, the performances of the CSTR and the kinetic constants of the reaction were determined. A model which takes into account the course of fractional conversion (X) according to the modified space–time parameter, τ (integrated form of V, J, S, and E), was devised by employing the relationship to integrate the equation for the reaction rate of the CSTR and the expression of the modified space time. Correlation of this model and the experimentally obtained results demonstrates that the characteristics for an ultrafiltration membrane reactor for enzymatic hydrolysis by alcalase of plasma proteins are close to those of an ideal CSTR. Optimal scaling up, however, remains dependent on the compromise which may be obtained between capacity and the conversion rate.