Inferred Biomolecular Interaction Server—a web server to analyze and predict protein interacting partners and binding sites

IBIS is the NCBI Inferred Biomolecular Interaction Server. This server organizes, analyzes and predicts interaction partners and locations of binding sites in proteins. IBIS provides annotations for different types of binding partners (protein, chemical, nucleic acid and peptides), and facilitates the mapping of a comprehensive biomolecular interaction network for a given protein query. IBIS reports interactions observed in experimentally determined structural complexes of a given protein, and at the same time IBIS infers binding sites/interacting partners by inspecting protein complexes formed by homologous proteins. Similar binding sites are clustered together based on their sequence and structure conservation. To emphasize biologically relevant binding sites, several algorithms are used for verification in terms of evolutionary conservation, biological importance of binding partners, size and stability of interfaces, as well as evidence from the published literature. IBIS is updated regularly and is freely accessible via