Superconducting phase transitions in rare-earth compounds

The superconducting transition temperature Tc and the upper critical field Hc2 in the rare-earth (R) compounds RxMo6S8, RxMo6Se8, and RRh4B4, are theoretically studied within a model in which the superelectrons mainly originate from the 4d electrons of Mo and Rh atoms. The fluctuation of local spins inside a Cooper pair weakens the BCS coupling. Thus, the quantitites Tc and Hc2 are strongly influenced by the fluctuation. These quantities are obtained as functions of the intra- and interatomic exchange interactions and the concentration of the spins. The theoretical results explain the existence of the upper and lower superconducting transition temperatures Tc1 and Tc2 in ErRh4 B4 and Ho1.2 Mo6 S8, and the concentration dependence of Tc in La1xGdxMo6Se8 and Sn1.2(1x)EuxMo6.35S8. The suppression of the spin fluctuation by application of a magnetic field causes an increase of the BCS coupling. In calculating Hc2, this fact is taken into account as well as the spin splitting of conduction bands and spin-orbit scattering. Our theory explains the anomalous behavior of the temperature dependence of Hc2 observed in Sn1.2(1x)EuxMo6.35S8. It is proposed that in certain compounds a superconducting state may appear only in the presence of a magnetic field.