A microfauna associated with Early Cambrian trilobites of the Callavia Zone, norther Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia

Trilobites of the Callavia Zone s.1. occurring together with phosphatic fossils in the Little Hollow Formation are the first known Early Cambrian faunas from mainland Nova Scotia. The tectono-stratigraphic affinity of the northern Antigonish Highlands with less intensely deformed portions of the Avalonian Platform is indicated by: (1) the Avalonian character of the trilobites and Early Ordovician brachiopods, (2) the nature of the lithologic sequence of the Iron Brook Group, and (3) local evidence for a Hadrynian orogeny.Rhombocorniculum cancellatum (Cobbold) is here informally designated a "pseudoconodont" based on its unique histology and is regarded as a conodontophorid-like organism. Eccentrotheca kanesia n. gen., n. sp. is a multiplated organism with apparent affinities to groups regarded as mitrosagophorans. Sunnaginia imbricata Missarzhevsky and possibly Turcutheca are demonstrated to occur in strata younger than Tommotian (lowest Lower Cambrian).

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