Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing Profiling of Fetal Human Neural Precursor Cells

We have examined gene expression in multipotent neural precursor cells (NPCs) derived from human fetal (f) brain tissue and compared its expression profiles with embryonic stem (ESC) cells, embryoid body cell (EBC), and astrocyte precursors using the technique of massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS). Gene expression profiles show that fNPCs express core neural stem cells markers and share expression profiles with astrocyte precursor cells (APCs) rather than ESC or EBC. Gene expression analysis shows that fNPCs differ from other adult stem and progenitor cells in their marker expression and activation of specific functional networks such as the transforming growth factorβ (TGFβ) and Notch signaling pathways. In addition, our results allow us to identify novel genes expressed in fNPCs and provide a detailed profile of fNPCs.