Clearance of surfactant phosphatidylcholine from adult rabbit lungs

Rabbits were given various doses of rabbit surfactant and treatment doses of approximately 100 mg/kg body wt of calf surfactant and Surfactant TA by tracheal injection. The linear loss of radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine from the total lung (alveolar wash and lung tissue) was 3.1, 1.5, and 1.8%/h for rabbit surfactant, calf surfactant, and Surfactant TA, respectively. After 24 h only 6% rabbit, 19% calf, and 9.7% Surfactant TA phosphatidylcholine were recovered by alveolar wash, and alveolar macrophage fractions contained less than 1% of the injected labeled phosphatidylcholine. The loss of rabbit surfactant phosphatidylcholine 24 h after tracheal injection did not change for doses in the range of 0.5-70 mumol phosphatidylcholine per kilogram, indicating nonsaturable clearance pathways. Very little of the labeled rabbit surfactant phosphatidylcholine lost from the lungs could be recovered in other organs, and 90% of the recovered labeled phosphatidylcholine in the liver was unsaturated, implying de novo synthesis using precursors from degraded phosphatidylcholine. The surfactant did not change endogenous lung phosphatidylcholine synthesis or its secretion to the alveolus. There were no adverse effects of the surfactant treatments noted in healthy rabbits.