Cell Size and Oxidative Enzyme Activity of Different Types of Fibers in Different Regions of the Rat Plantaris and Tibialis Anterior Muscles.

The cross-sectional areas and succinate dehydrogenase activities of different types of fibers in different regions of the plantaris and tibialis anterior muscles in 10-week-old male rats were determined using quantitative histochemistry. The muscle fibers were classified as type I, type IIA, or type IIB according to their adenosine triphosphatase activities. There were no regional differences in either the mean cross-sectional area or the mean succinate dehydrogenase activity of type IIA fibers in both muscles. In contrast, type IIB fibers in the deep region of both muscles had smaller cross-sectional areas and higher succinate dehydrogenase activities than those in the superficial and middle regions. These data suggest the presence of regional differences in the cross-sectional area and succinate dehydrogenase activity of type IIB fibers in the muscle.