Does so-called streptozocin hypertension exist in rats?

Although the existence of so-called streptozocin hypertension seems well established, some reports have indicated that no rise in blood pressure (BP) occurred after streptozocin treatments. To ascertain the streptozocin-induced BP response, normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were treated with streptozocin, 40 to 45 and 35 mg/kg i.v., respectively, and BP was determined directly and indirectly every week for 3 to 4 weeks. Direct mean BP was determined without anesthesia or restraint through a cannula inserted into the rat's abdominal aorta. Indirect BP was determined at the tail without anesthesia after prewarming the rat in a holder. Compared with control values, indirect BP increased significantly in diabetic WKY 2 weeks after streptozocin treatment. In contrast, direct BP of these rats decreased, compared with control values. Indirect BP of diabetic SHR was as high as that of the controls, whereas direct BP of diabetic SHR decreased significantly 1 week after the treatment and thereafter, compared with control values. These discrepancies between the direct and indirect BP values may be caused by severe emaciation of diabetic rats. Extra pressure in the cuff may be necessary to occlude the bloodstream. These results indicate that under these conditions the value of BP obtained by the direct measurement is more reliable than that by the indirect one; therefore, we concluded that so-called streptozocin hypertension does not exist.