Atomic and nuclear polarization ofC12,C13, andN15by beam-foil interaction at 300-400 keV

Induced nuclear spin polarization P by hyperfine interaction following passage of 0.5 μA 300-keV beams of C+12, C+13, and N+15 through single tilted carbon foils yields |P|=(0.4±0.8)%, (3.2±0.6)%, and (5.7±0.9)%, respectively. The nuclear polarizations were enhanced by passage through two tilted foils, and the sign of the polarization flipped by a simple flip of the foil direction with respect to the beam direction. From quantum-beat measurements with circularly polarized light, experimental quantum beat frequencies ω=6790±570 and 747±62 MHz for the unresolved 6578-6583 Å doublet in CII, and ω(5667 Å)=2860±240, ω(5680 Å)=4810±40 MHz in NII are determined.