Comparison of dietary histories and seven-day food records in a nutritional assessment of older adults

Dietary histories and seven-day food records were obtained for 54 apparently healthy older adults. The two dietary methods correlated for most nutrients, but mean differences were significant for several nutrients. Intakes below recommended levels occurred most frequently for energy, calcium, and zinc. Biochemical evidence of thiamin and riboflavin deficiency was unexpectedly frequent. Using food records, dietary iron correlated with serum ferritin. Using dietary histories, dietary protein correlated with serum albumin, and dietary zinc correlated with plasma zinc. Using either dietary method, plasma ascorbate was associated positively with both dietary ascorbate and ascorbate supplements, and negatively with cigarette smoking. Use of thiamin- or folate-containing supplements was associated with improved biochemical status for the respective vitamin. Though neither dietary histories nor food records give precise intake data for individuals, either method may be useful for epidemiologic studies with appropriate sample sizes.