Results of Tests on Models for an 88-kG, 51-cm-Bore-Diameter Solenoid

As part of a program to build an 88 kG, 51-cm-bore solenoid, two model coils were built to test the conductor characteristics as well as the final coil-construction techniques. The first coil was wound with a square conductor 0.218 cm on a side, with many strands of Nb–Ti. The coil winding i.d. was 15.24 cm, the o.d. was 22.3 cm, and the length was 10.16 cm. This coil was built using small cooling passages, and its construction was such as to simulate the techniques to be used up to 80 kG in the full-size magnet. The second coil was wound with steel reinforced Nb3 Sn of over-all dimensions 1.27 cm by 0.0292 cm and had a winding i.d. of 12.2 cm and an o.d. of 31.1 cm, and consisted of two pancakes. Its purpose was to simulate the high-field windings of the full-size coil. Both coils were instrumented with heaters to determine their stability characteristics. The performance of each coil is discussed with regard to stability, charge rate, and quench characteristics.

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