Functional half-life of the exocellular protease mRNA ofBacillus megaterium

Functional half-life of the exocellular protease mRNA was determined in exponentially growing and stationary cells of the asporogenic strain ofBacillus megaterium, KM and in the sporogenic strain ofB. megaterium 27 during sporulation. No reserve of the protease mRNA could be detected in the cells and the half-lives were determined to be 6–7 min in the exponential and stationary cells ofB. megaterium KM and 7.5 – 8.5 min inB. megaterium 27. The mean half-life of mRNA for cell proteins was determined to be 3.5–4.5 min. Thus, as compared with the mean half-life of mRNA for cell proteins that of mRNA for the exocellular protease is slightly longer.

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