A comparative study of CO2–Ar potential surfaces

Twelve potential energy surfaces that have been proposed for the CO2–Ar interaction have been considered in detail. The anisotropies of these surfaces are compared and their ability to predict the interaction second virial coefficient as a function of temperature has been examined. Intermolecular bending and stretching quadratic force constants predicted by each and the mean square torque calculated for each are compared with the experimental values. Quantum diffusion Monte Carlo simulations provide the average rotational constants and geometry for the ground vibrational state as well as the dissociation energy in each case. These are compared with the experimental values. Classical trajectory calculations were carried out to obtain 45 types of thermal average cross sections for six of these surfaces. Various thermophysical properties such as mixture viscosity, mixture thermal conductivity, and diffusion coefficient, calculated from these cross sections and the NMR relaxation cross sections, are compared with experimental data. It is found that the spectroscopic constants define the depth and shape of the well at the global minimum, whereas the NMR cross sections and mean square torque probe the anisotropy in a broader sense. The thermophysical properties (viscosity, diffusion coefficient, and thermal conductivity) are not strongly discriminating between the surfaces, whereas the temperature dependence of the second virial coefficient detects the weaknesses in the low and upper repulsive walls of those surfaces that were modified specifically to improve greatly the shape of the well so as to reproduce the spectroscopic constants.