Attrition in graduate surgical education: an analysis of the 1993 entering cohort of surgical residents

Pyramidal surgical residency programs, in which more residents are enrolled than can complete the program, have gradually declined in number in recent years. In 1996, the Residency Review Committee for Surgery established a policy that the number of residents appointed to a program must be consistent with the number who will complete the program. Even so, there is still attrition in the ranks of surgical residents, some of whom hold undesignated preliminary positions and have no guarantee of a position that will lead to completion of the program. This study examined the 1993 entering cohort of surgical residents to determine the rate of attrition as of 1998.Data were collected from the AMA's Medical Education Research Information Database, the American College of Surgeons Resident Masterfile, and the Association of American Medical Colleges GME Tracking Census database. The data were examined by specialty, gender, ethnic background, and type of medical school attended.The overall attrition rate from surgical GME was 12%; the rate for international medical graduates was 33%; and the rate for osteopathic residents was 28%. African-American United States and Canadian graduates had attrition rates of 16% for men and 8% for women, and Hispanic United States and Canadian graduates had attrition rates of 14% for men and 15% for women. General surgery residents had an attrition rate of 26%, which included residents in undesignated preliminary positions. Gender was not a risk factor except for the significantly higher attrition rate of African-American men. Most (81%) of the residents who dropped out of surgical GME enrolled in GME in other specialties.The attrition rate from surgical GME is low, and most residents who drop out reenter GME in another specialty. Of concern is the high rate of attrition of African-American men who are United States or Canadian graduates. The highest rate of attrition, by far, is in the group of international medical graduates, many of whom are likely to have held undesignated preliminary positions.

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