Biosynthesis of acid α‐glucosidase in late‐onset forms of glycogenosis type II (Pompe's disease)

Cultured human skin fibroblasts from control persons and from patients with the generalized and late‐onset forms of Pompe's disease were labelled with radioactive leucine and the incorporation of radioactivity into acid α‐glucosidase and cathepsin D was analysed by immunoprecipitation, gel electrophoresis and fluorography. When the labelling was carried out for 6–12 h in the presence of NH4Cl, the labelling of secreted α‐glucosidase relative to that of secreted cathepsin D in fibroblasts from patients with the late‐onset form of Pompe's disease was < 15% of that in fibroblasts from control persons. However, when the fibroblasts were labelled for < 1 h, the relative rate of incorporation of radioactivity into acid α‐glucosidase was rather similar in the two types of fibroblasts. In fibroblasts from patients with the generalized form of Pompe's disease no incorporation of radioactivity into acid α‐glucosidase could be detected.