The Transeyelid Subperiosteal Midface-Lift in the Unhappy Postblepharoplasty Patient

The unhappy postblepharoplasty patient with lateral canthal dystopia, round eye, and scleral show presents perhaps the single greatest challenge to the aesthetic reconstructive surgeon. The problem may be as simple as a lax eyelid, which is inferiorly displaced by gravity or as complex as an eyelid, which has full thickness vertical inadequacy in each of the three eyelid lamellae. The transeyelid subperiosteal midface-lift with lower eyelid reconstruction is a reliable procedure for addressing full thickness lower eyelid vertical tissue inadequacy by totally reconstructing the lower eyelid by the classic three individual layer reconstructive technique. Vertical and horizontal adequacy or inadequacy for each of the three eyelid layers is determined and then individually addressed in the total eyelid reconstruction. This procedure has the potential to fully reconstruct and reposition the lower eyelid and lateral canthus such that the final position, function, and appearance is as good or better than it was before the changes caused by time, gravity, and previous surgery.

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