Strain relaxation in (0001) AlN/GaN heterostructures

The strain-relaxation phenomena during the early stages of plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy growth of lattice-mismatched wurtzite (0001) AlN/GaN heterostructures have been studied by real-time recording of the in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), ex situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and atomic-force microscopy. A pseudo-two-dimensional layer-by-layer growth is observed at substrate temperatures of 640–660 °C, as evidenced by RHEED and TEM. However, the variation of the in-plane lattice parameter during growth and after growth has been found to be complex. Three steps have been seen during the deposition of lattice-mismatched AlN and GaN layers: they were interpreted as the succession of the formation of flat platelets, 3–6 monolayers high (0.8–1.5 nm) and 10–20 nm in diameter, their partial coalescence, and gradual dislocation introduction. Platelet formation leads to elastic relaxation as high as 1.8%, i.e., a considerable part of the AlN/GaN lattice mismatch of 2.4%, and can be reversible. Platelets are always observed during the initial stages of growth and are almost insensitive to the metal/N ratio. In contrast, platelet coalescence and dislocation introduction are very dependent on the metal/N ratio: no coalescence occurs and the dislocation introduction rate is higher under N-rich conditions. In all cases, the misfit dislocation density, as measured by the irreversible relaxation, is initially of the order of 7×1011cm2 and decreases exponentially with the layer thickness. These results are interpreted in the framework of a model that emphasizes the important role of the flat platelets for dislocation nucleation.