Lifetimes of the First and Second Excited States ofF21

Lifetimes of the 0.279-MeV and 1.10-MeV states produced in the reaction O18(Li7, α)F21 were measured using the delayed-coincidence technique. A solid-state detector was used to measure the energies of the alpha particles as well as to produce timing signals. The half-life of the 0.279-MeV state was determined to be (7.03±0.50)×109 sec and that of the 1.10-MeV state less than 2×1010 sec. The lifetime of the 0.279-MeV level implies an E2 transition and ½+ assignment for the spin. This result is in agreement with two-nucleon stripping fits. The level order can be understood on the basis of the rotational model with band mixing using a lower distortion for F21 than for neighboring T=12 nuclei. The measured lifetimes are in qualitative agreement with this model.