A numerical turbulence model for multiphase flows in the protoplanetary nebula

It is thought that planets form from solid particles in a flattened, rotating, 99% gaseous nebula. These grains gradually coagulate into millimeter-to-meter sized aggregates which settle toward the midplane of the nebula. It is widely believed that the resulting dense layer eventually becomes gravitationally unstable and collapses into ‘‘planetesimals.’’ A new numerical model is presented to simulate the predominant processes (gravitation, vertical convection, and shear-driven turbulence) during the stage while the particulate material is still dispersed about the midplane of the nebula. In our previous work, particles were assumed to be spheres of a single radius; in the present work, particles are spheres of different radii. Results indicate that neither a broad nor a narrow distribution of particle sizes is likely to become gravitationally unstable.