The effect of the herbicide diclofop-methyl on the uptake and utilization of zinc by wheat was examined in a series of glasshouse experiments. Application of diclofop-methyl to soil induced symptoms of zinc deficiency and decreased zinc concentrations within shoots. Effects of the herbicide application in decreasing plant growth were more marked at marginal levels of zinc than at adequate levels. The application of diclofop-methyl to the soil induced zinc deficiency by decreasing the uptake of zinc from soil rather than by effects on the utilization of zinc within the plant. The application of diclofop-methyl to leaves with no contamination of the soil did not affect the zinc status of the plant. Effects of diclofopmethyl in decreasing zinc uptake did not appear to be due to effects of the herbicide on root weight or root length.In the field, diclofop-methyl is sprayed on crops with low leaf areas, hence a high proportion of the herbicide will reach the soil. It is thus likely that in field crops application of diclofop-methyl will induce zinc deficiency where the supply of zinc for the crop is marginal.

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