The Formation Constant of Chromium (III)-Ethylenediamine Complexes

1) The formation constants of chromium (III) complexes with ethylenediamine, the simplest bidentate ligand material coordinated by two nitrogen atoms, have been spectrophotometrically determined. 2) It has been shown that the dependence of the formation constant of the first step upon the ionic strength is small. 3) The formation constants of the chromium (III) complexes with ethylenediamine have been found to be remarkably higher than those of the corresponding chromium (II) complexes and a little lower than those of the corresponding cobalt (III) complexes. 4) The difference between the formation constants of the chromium (III) and cobalt (III) ethylenediamine complexes has been qualitatively explained with reference to the crystal-field stabilization energy and to Racah’s electrostatic repulsive parameter.