Layered Compounds. XLII. Syntheses and Properties of Layered Paracycloheterophanes

A series of multilayered paracyclofuranophanes and paracyclothiophenophanes were synthesized by crossbreeding Hofmann elimination method from mixed quaternary ammonium hydroxides. Their structures and conformations were elucidated by NMR analyses. In electronic spectra, paracyclothiophenophanes exhibited stronge transannular electronic interactions than paracyclofuranophanes whose absorption curves show unexpected resemblance to those of multilayered metaparacyclophanes. Paracyclofuranophanes and [2.2](2,5)furanophane underwent addition reaction with benzyne to give 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 adducts, respectively. Their structures and properties were also studied by spectral measurements.

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