Magnetic properties of the 5fitinerant electron metamagnet UCoAl under high pressure

The magnetization and susceptibility of single-crystalline UCoAl were measured under high pressures to P=1.2 GPa. A sharp metamagnetic transition was observed only in magnetic fields along the c axis. The critical field is Bc=0.65 T at P=0 GPa, which increases with pressure and temperature. The susceptibility for ambient pressure shows a broad maximum at Tmax=20 K. The value of Tmax increases with pressure. A theory of the itinerant metamagnetic transition has been generalized for the case of anisotropic spin fluctuations. The observed pressure dependence of the inverse susceptibility at Tmax, the temperature T0 for the disappearance of the metamagnetic transition, and the temperature dependence of Bc can be explained with this theory.