Experimental results are presented for the statistics of 0.6328-μm laser irradiance fluctuations for multiple-pass propagation through a laboratory-simulated atmospheric turbulence of strength Cn2=2.476×1011m2/3 and the smallest scale size l0 = 2.74 mm. The coefficients of variation γ0, skewness γ1, and excess γ2 of irradiance fluctuations are plotted as a function of path length. From the plots of γ2 vs γ1 for various values of σ12(=1.23k7/6Cn2L11/6) in different regions within the turbulence, the following forms of the probability distribution functions for the irradiance fluctuations are considered: lognormal, Rice-Nakagami, m distribution, gamma (and exponential), and K distribution. We have also demonstrated the characteristic feature of −8/3 power law behavior of power spectrum and the shift of Tatarski's peak frequency in the case of strong turbulence.