A preliminary treatment of the genus Podosordaria

Podosordaria Ellis et Holw. is used for those members of the Xylariaceae possessing stalkedor sessile stromata in the form of mammillate heads with erumpent ascocarps, containing whitish internal tissue, and covered with a brown to black or violaceous ectostroma; cylindrical to pyriform asci in which the ascospores may be biseriately arranged posteriorly; and one-celled, dark brown spores possessing elongated germ slits. The classical separation between Poronia Willd. ex Fr. and Podosordaria is maintained. An emended generic description and key are provided. Four new species and one new combination are described and illustrated—P. crinita on cow dung from the United States; P. ianthina on burro and goat dung from Mexico; P. phoenicea on zebra dung from Kenya; P. vinacea on burro dung from Mexico; and P. violacea (Sordaria violacea Ell. et Ev.) on cow, sheep, horse, and rabbit dung from Canada and the United States. One additional new combination, P. hircina (Poronia hircine Tai et Wei), is proposed. Brief comparative descriptions are included for those species not treated in detail. Short descriptive notes are provided for several taxa considered as doubtful representatives.

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