Distribution of Vitamin B12 in the Organs and Tissues of the Chick.

A study was made of the distr. of vit. B12 in the tissues and organs of chicks fed a purified diet containing a high level of the vitamins. Vit. B12 content was determined by microbiological assay using Lacto-bacillus leichmannii ATCC 4797. Kidney was found to contain the most vit. B12, but liver and pancreas were also found to be good sources of the vitamin. The proventriculus, testes, heart, adrenals, spleen, gall bladder, thyroid and thymus contained appreciable quantities of the vitamin. Muscle tissue, except for the heart, was low in vit. B12. A comparison of the results obtained by these authors with other published data indicates that certain organs, particularly the kidney, liver and pancreas have the ability to store appreciable quantities of vit. Bl2.