Isolation and characterization of the RNA2, RNA3, and RNA11 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Temperature-sensitive mutations in the genes RNA2 through RNA11 cause accumulation of intervening sequence containing precursor mRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three different plasmids have been isolated which complement both the temperature-sensitive lethality and precursor mRNA accumulation when introduced into rna2, rna3, and rna11 mutant strains. The yeast sequences on these plasmids have been shown by Southern transfer hybridization and genetic mapping to be derived from the RNA2, RNA3, and RNA11 genomic loci. Part of the RNA2 gene is homologous to more than one region of the yeast genome, whereas the RNA3 and RNA11 genes are single copy. RNAs homologous to these loci have been identified by RNA transfer hybridization, and the specific RNAs which are associated with the Rna+ phenotype have been mapped. This was done by a combination of transcript mapping, subcloning, and in vitro mutagenesis. The transcripts are found to be enriched in polyadenylated RNA and are of very low abundance (0.01-0.001% polyadenylated RNA).