Proteinase‐treated photoreceptor discs

Photoreceptor discs from rod outer segments of cattle retina were treated with papain, thermolysin or tyrpsin, the procedures resulting in the cleavage of the rhodopsin polypeptide chain between 323 and 324, 236 and 237, 241 and 242, 327 and 328, 240 and 241, or 339 and 340 amino acid residues, respectively. In all the cases, partially digested rhodopsins proved to be competent in generating photoelectric potential and increasing membrane conductance of the discs adsorbed onto phospholipid-impregnated collodion film. The kinetics of generation and dissipation of photopotential as well as of formation of metarhodopsin II and of the light-induced rhodopsin protonation were the same in the partially digested preparations and in the intact one. Incubation of papain-treated or thermolysin-treated discs at pH 6.0 induced formation of inside-out vesicles which, when incorporated into the collodion film, generated an oppositely directed photopotential. Treatment of such vesicles with papain gave rise to further cleavages of the polypeptide localized between 30 and 31, 186 and 187 amino acid residues. One more proteinase-sensitive site, localized between 104 and 105 residues, has been discovered in the inside-out vesicles treated with thermolysin. This fact consistent with the scheme of the 7 column arrangement of the visual rhodopsin. Rhodopsin, when treated with papain on both sides, was deprived of 6 amino acid residues being split in 2 sites in the middle part of the polypeptide, but was still active as a photoelectric energy transducer. The main specific feature inherent in the photoelectric response of the papain-treated or thermolysin-treated rhodopsin and absent from the native protein is that the former survives addition of long trains of saturating flashes when the response of the intact preparation becomes negligible. This effect was due to conversion of partially digested rhodopsin to a photolytic product that at room temperature lived for minutes even in the presence of NH2-OH. A 532-nm laser flash effectively converted this product back to rhodopsin.