Many problems, inherent in air traffic control, weather analysis and prediction, nuclear reaction, missile tracking, and hydrodynamics have common processing characteristics that can most efficiently be solved using parallel “non-conventional” techniques. Because of high sensor data rates, these parallel problem solving techniques cannot be economically applied using the standard sequential computer. The application of special processing techniques such as parallel/associative processing are still resisted because it is a change from the norm. Past implementations utilized special hardware, custom circuits and complex designs. The Honeywell Associative Parallel Processing Ensemble (HAPPE) was built to demonstrate the basic simplicity of hardware concepts inherent in parallel associative processing. HAPPE is implemented with the same standard circuit building blocks (MSI's, ROM's, and RAM's) that are used in all conventional computers. By using standard building blocks a long time objection to associative memory systems, that of requiring special purpose (low usage) circuits is overcome. The parallel/associative processing element can be both powerful and versatile. The HAPPE architecture proves that one processor element can perform both correlation (associative) and arithmetic processing. The HAPPE demonstrator has become a valuable tool in training system designers and programmers to recognize that new “thinking” can be applied to advanced processing system implementations.