The Interpersonal Competence Instrument for Nurses

A new tool, the Interpersonal Competence Instrument for Nurses, was evaluated for content validity and readability. Evaluators consisted of a panel of 10 nursing experts. The instrument measures four categories of the patient-nurse interaction: translating, getting to know you, establishing trust, and going the extra mile. The content validity indexes (CVI) for 14 of 15 behaviors within the four categories rangedfrom .8 to 1.0 and are considered to have content validity. The CVIfor the 15th behavior, clicking, was calculated as. 7, and, thus, was modified. The CVIfor the entire instrument of 111 items was determined to be .84. Readability analyzed with the SMOGformula established a grade level of 8.09. Additional psychometric testing of the tool is in progress. Internal consistency reliability is being evaluated through the use of coefficient alpha and item analysis. Construct validity is being estimated through the experimental approach. The internal structure of the instrument is being assessed throughfactor analysis. Presuming that this instrument continues to demonstrate validity and reliability with future testing, it will facilitate the evaluation of nurse-patient interaction and promote focused education for nurses in the career development continuum.