Immunological and morphological effects of vasectomy in the rabbit

Half of the rabbits developed antisperm antibodies (measured by either indirect immunofluorescence or sperm immobilization tests) after either a unilateral or bilateral vasectomy. The raised antibody levels, particularly six months or longer after vasectomy, often accompanied patchy orchitis. Seminiferous tubules from such animals exhibited sloughed, multinucleated, and immature germinal cells which were engulfed by phagocytic cells. Mononuclear infiltrates were occasionally present. The basal lamina infolded and thickened by means of supernumerary layers and appeared to be endocytosed by cells of the seminiferous tubules. Four months after vasectomy, numerous phagocytic cells were seen to migrate through the intact epithelium of zone 1 in the caput epididymidis, and were particularly prevalent in animals that exhibited testicular damage. These macrophages may serve to present sperm antigens to lymphocytes.