Standardization of various applications of methacrylate embedding and silver methenamine for light and electron microscopy immunocytochemistry

Summary The use of butyl-methyl-methacrylate embedding and the application of the silver methenamine (SM) method as a poststaining of the immunoperoxidase-DAB (IP) procedure led to the standardization of several useful methods for the visualization of tissue antigents at the light and electron microscope level. These procedures included: 1) Standardization of the actual methacrylate embedding; 2) The IP-SM method with an without periodic acid oxidation, which provided 100% intensification of the IP staining; 3) The IP-SM method made it possible to stain semithin sections (0.5 μm), and this in turn, permitted a) clear visualization under the light microscope of the intracellular distribution of antigens and, b) staining, in several adjacent sections, of roughly the same cytoplasmic region of the same cell with different primary antisera; 4) a double immunostaining whereby the first antigen in the sequence was revealed by the IP-SM method and the second by the IP procedure: 5) standardization of the IP and the IP-SM methods for post-embedding staining of ultrathin methacrylate sections. The combined application of methacrylate embedding and the IP-SM, and the use of an appropriate fixative, resulted in an ultrastructural immunocytochemical procedure characterized by a good immunoreactivity of the tissue sections, a strong and selective immunoreaction and a well preserved ultrastructure.

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