The skin of primates. XLIV. Numerical taxonomy of primate skin

Data on 84 characteristics of the skin of 36 species of primates were extracted from a series of articles describing the histological and histochemical properties of the skin of primates. The data were subjected to a cluster analysis. The results were in reasonably good agreement with orthodox primate taxonomies although some exceptions were apparent. The species clustered into four main groups approximately comparable to Prosimii, Cercopithecoidea, Ceboidea, and Hominoidea. The internal arrangements of the Prosimii, Cercopithecoidea, and Hominoidea are commensurate with standard taxonomic practice. Within the Ceboidea, however, the Atelinae and Alouattinae tend to group with the Hominoidea, Aotus and Saimiri show variable placements, and Callimico groups with the Callithricidae.

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