Effect of simazine and prometryne on the growth and nodulation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

SUMMARY: Simazine and prometryne applied to the soil surface in pots at 1·6 and 3·2 kg/ha. 2 days after sowing, did not affect germination or early seedling growth of chickpea. Reductions were noticed under all treatments in the leaf dry weight after 28 days and in the length of the main stem after 42 days. Dry-matter accumulation in the shoot was drastically reduced with simazine but not with prometryne. All treatments retarded dry-matter accumulation in the roots with time. Prometryne reduced chlorophyll content during early growth stages and simazine during later stages.Growth of the rhizobial culture was reduced with increasing concentrations (1–20 mg/1) of both simazine and prometryne. Root nodule initiation was not affected by either of the herbicides but the later production of new nodules and growth of the nodules were reduced in different degrees by various treatments. Overall nodulation was drastically reduced with simazine. Reductions in nodulation with simazine and prometryne appeared to be primarily a case of general root growth reduction. The pink pigment, leghaemoglobin, did not develop at all in the nodules of simazinetreated plants and its concentration was not affected in the nodules of prometrynetreated plants. The N2-fixing efficiency (acetylene reduction) of the nodules was more in the case of prometryne-treated plants and was nil in the case of simazine-treated ones.

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