Cupressaceae pollinosis in the Madrid area

There is no previous report of Cupressaceae pollinosis in the Madrid area.To ascertain the presence of Cupressaceae pollinosis in the Madrid area.Thirty-six patients were studied who had winter pollinosis symptoms and a positive skin test to C. arizonica. They were skin tested with C. sempervirens (Abelló, Madrid), C. arizonica (in-house extract) and other common inhalant allergens (Abelló). Total IgE was measured and specific IgE to C. arizonica, C. sempervirens and J. sabinoides was determined.Six of the patients were only sensitized to Cupressaceae pollens, whereas 30 patients had also sensitivity to other pollens (oleaceae 28, plantain 27, grasses 25, chenopodium 25, compositae 23, Parietaria 9) and 18 patients were also sensitized to other inhalant allergens (animals 17, mites 4, moulds 2).These results confirm the existence of allergy to Cupressaceae pollens in Madrid (Spain).