On the Continuous Gamma-Radiation Accompanying the Beta-Decay of Nuclei

The quantum mechanical calculations of Knipp and Uhlenbeck, and F. Bloch of the continuous γ-spectrum associated with the sudden change of nuclear charge during β-decay have been extended to forbidden β-transitions and to the different types of β-interactions. It is shown that the γ-spectrum has practically the same shape, and the ratio of total γ-intensity to β-intensity is almost the same for forbidden transitions as for allowed transitions, irrespective of the β-interaction. This accounts for the good agreement of the theory for allowed transitions with the experiments of C. S. Wu on P3215, a "forbidden" β-emitter. A simple classical analogue is given to explain this uniformity and is shown to justify the interpretation that the probabilities for the β- and γ-emission processes may in a very good approximation be taken as independent.