Attempts to Reveal Sex in Bacteria; with Some Light on Fermentative Variability in the Coli-aerogenes Group

From pure cultures of Bacterium coli and Bact. aerogenes substrains were obtained which varied from the parent strain in the fermentation of test substances. E. g., from a culture of Bact. coli which fermented salicin but not sucrose, substrains were obtained which were (sucrose [long dash], salicin [long dash]), (sucrose [long dash], salicin +), (sucrose +, salicin [long dash]), and (sucrose +, salicin + ); likewise, a culture of Bact. aerogenes which fermented neither sucrose nor mannitol yielded substrains which were (sucrose [long dash], mannitol [long dash]), (sucrose +, mannitol [long dash]), (sucrose [long dash], mannitol +), and (sucrose +, mannitol + ). Some cultures yielded only substrains which were true to the parent type, in so far as the work went. Efforts to reveal sex in bacteria by the methods employed proved futile.

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