Fluctuations of Perceptual Organization and Orientation: Stochastic (Random) or Steady State (Satiation)?

Using flat drawings, intra-reversal times were obtained for two kinds of fluctuations, perspective reversals in a figure eliciting apparent depth and reversals of lateral organization in a figure not eliciting apparent depth. The durations of the alternate percepts (P1 and P2) between reversals early in a viewing session were compared with recently published data of the same type. In the latter study, P1 was found to be of longer duration than P2, both with a flat drawing and a rotating skeletal cube. These prior data were explained in terms of satiation theory; however, we found no significant differences between P1 and P2 with two different groups of Os and with two figures. Explanations for these differences in results were advanced. The use of grouped percept-duration data to support steady state (e.g., satiation) theories of perceptual fluctuation phenomena was criticized.