Wilson Loops and Minimal Surfaces

The AdS/CFT correspondence suggests that the Wilson loop of the large N gauge theory with N=4 supersymmetry in 4 dimensions is described by a minimal surface in AdS_5 x S^5. We examine various aspects of this proposal, comparing gauge theory expectations with computations of minimal surfaces. There is a distinguished class of loops, which we call BPS loops, whose expectation values are free from ultra-violet divergence. We formulate the loop equation for such loops. To the extent that we have checked, the minimal surface in AdS_5 x S^5 gives a solution of the equation. We also discuss the zig-zag symmetry of the loop operator. In the N=4 gauge theory, we expect the zig-zag symmetry to hold when the loop does not couple the scalar fields in the supermultiplet. We will show how this is realized for the minimal surface.

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