Semicobaltate -Alkalimetall-Träger in Kohlenwasserstoffen Darstellung, Eigenschaften und Struktur von K[Co(C2H4)(PMe3)3]2 / Semicobaltates -Alkali Metal Carriers in Hydrocarbons Synthesis, Properties, and Structure of K[Co(C2H4)(PMe3)3]2

Semicobaltates (Co-1/2) containing olefin and trimethylphosphane ligands are synthe-sized from Co(olefin)(PMe3)3 and potassium metal. The X-ray crystal structure determination of the title compound shows that the unit cell contains two K atoms in equal ionic contact with the ethylene ligands of four Co(C2H4)(PMe3)3 complex units, two of which are interacting with both K atoms. In solution the semicobaltates exist in hydrocarbon solvents under argon only, while in contrast under ethylene or nitrogen atmospheres or in donor solvents disproportionation occurs to give Co(O) and Co(-I) species. Allgemeines

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