Wool production of different breeds of mixed-age ewes on hill country

Greasy fleece weight, staple length, quality number, character, and severity of staple unsoundness and cotting were recorded from Romney, Coopworth, Perendale, Cheviot, and Dorset-Romney ewes over 7 years. All breeds were grazed together except during mating. Romney had the heaviest fleece weight followed by Coopworth, Perendale, Dorset-Romney and Cheviot. Fleece weights increased to 3 or 4 years of age and declined to 5 years of age, Coopworth and Perendale showing the greatest decline. All breeds except Romney showed a decline in fleece weight associated with fertility status, dry ewes having the heaviest fleeces. Romney ewes rearing their own single lamb had higher fleece weights than dry ewes. The subjectively assessed fleece characteristics were not influenced by fertility status. Romney and Coopworth had a higher proportion of cotted fleeces than the other breeds and Cheviot had the highest proportion of fleeces with staple unsoundness. Increased staple unsoundness was associated with lower fleece weights for all breeds, but only Romney and Coopworth showed a decline in fleece weight with increased cotting.