Comparison of the efficacy of University of Wisconsin solution and Newcastle organ perfusion fluid in the preservation of livers for transplantation

University of Wisconsin solution (UW) is now used widely for the preservation of livers for transplantation. However, the use of commercial solutions has added considerably to the cost. We were able to produce a local version of organ perfusion fluid (NOPF) incorporating all the constituents of UW except for the hydroxyethyl starch and adenosine. We compared graft outcome using NOPF with imported grafts perfused with commercial UW solution. The two recipient groups (15 patients each) were similar with respect to age and sex distribution, urgency of transplantation, regraft status and patient and graft survival. Postoperative duration of ventilation, dialysis requirements, peak bilirubin, peak ALT and lowest unsupported prothrombin time were also similar in both groups. In conclusion, local perfusion fluids based on UW can be produced without detriment to graft outcome with considerable financial savings. At our institution, this represents a reduction of 33 % in the cost of perfusion fluids.