Assessment of Individual Hand Performance in Box Trainers Compared to Virtual Reality Trainers

Training residents in laparoscopic skills is ideally initiated in an inanimate laboratory with both box trainers and virtual reality trainers. Virtual reality trainers have the ability to score individual hand performance although they are expensive. Here we compared the ability to assess dominant and nondominant hand performance in box.trainers with virtual reality trainers. Medical students without laparoscopic experience were utilized in this study (n = 16). Each student performed tasks on the LTS 2000, an inanimate box trainer (placing pegs with both hands and transferring pegs from one hand to another), as well as a task on the MIST-VR, a virtual reality trainer (grasping a virtual object and placing it in a virtual receptable with alternating hands). A surgeon scored students for the inanimate box trainer exercises (time and errors) while the MIST-VR scored students (time, economy of movements, and errors for each hand). Statistical analysis included Pearson correlations. Errors and time for the one-handed tasks on the box trainer did not correlate with errors, time, or economy measured for each hand by the MIST-VR (r = 0.01 to 0.30; P = NS). Total errors on the virtual reality trainer did correlate with errors on transferring pege (r = 0.61; P < 0.05). Economy and time of both dominant and nondominant hand from the MIST-VR correlated with time of transferring pegs in the box trainer (r = 0.53 to 0.77; P < 0.05). While individual hand assessment by the box trainer during 2-handed tasks was related to assessment by the virtual reality trainer, individual hand assessment during 1-handed tasks did not correlate with the virtual reality trainer. Virtual reality trainers, such as the MIST-VR, allow assessment of individual hand skills which may lead to improved laparoscopic skill acquisition. It is difficult to assess individual hand performance with box trainers alone.