The intensity formula of Prins for diffraction of x-rays by a perfect crystal has been simplified so that F(l) is a real, single-valued, algebraic function of l, the deviation of the glancing angle from the corrected Bragg angle. By neglecting absorption in the crystal, Darwin's formula is obtained in a new form. By differentiation the maximum ordinate of the diffraction pattern is obtained. To calculate percent reflection (i.e., maximum ordinate of the rocking curve of a double crystal spectrometer in the 1, -1 position) +F(l)dl and +F2(l)dl are needed, and these integrals have been evaluated analytically for Darwin's case of no absorption, leading to a value of 4/5 for P(0). To include absorption F(l) has been expanded into a series in powers of BD and an approximate formula obtained for P(0) in terms of the constants of the crystal. This formula agrees with the graphically determined values of P(0) to within a few percent.