Structure of the baboon endogenous virus genome: nucleotide sequences of the long terminal repeat

The entire nucleotide sequence of the long terminal repeat (LTR) of baboon endogenous virus (BaEV) M7 was determined, which consisted of 554 base pairs (bp). At both ends of the LTR, 13 bp sequences, AAATGAAAAGTAA and TGATTCTAACATC, were detected to be inverted repeats. The structure with these inverted repeats resembles those of other retroviruses and transposable elements. a Hogness box, TATAAAA, and a putative poly(A)-addition signal, AGTAAA, were present within the right-hand half of the LTR, where the initiation and termination of the viral RNA synthesis seems to occur in the integrated BaEV genome. The primer-binding site of at least 14 bp long was found just outside of the LTR where the strong stop DNA started, and the primer for reverse transcription in BaEV seemed to be tRNAPro. Several structural features are commonly detected in the LTRs of BaEV and other retroviruses. Our studies suggest that BaEV has evolved from a common ancestor with other mammalian type C viruses. Close relationships between BaEV and a feline endogenous virus, RD114, are demonstrated.