Application of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes in biotechnology

Ribosomal RNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes have become valuable tools for the detection of microorganisms involved in important biotechnological processes. Microorganisms which are of major importance for processes such as wastewater treatment, microbial leaching or methane production can be detected and quantified in situ within a complex microbial community. For certain processes, such as nitrification or biological phosphate removal, new microorganisms have become the focus of interest and have led to an improved understanding of these bioremediation techniques. Hybridization techniques have become fast and reliable alternatives to conventional cultivation techniques in the food industry as a control method for starter cultures for fermentation processes or product control. Recent analytical tools such as flow cytometry and digital image processing have improved the efficiency of these techniques. This review is intended to present a summary of methodological aspects of rRNA-based hybridization techniques and their application in biotechnology.